Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Grantee Act,(MGNREGA),UPSC,2020 |
Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Grantee Act,(MGNREGA),UPSC,2020
MGNREGA, the full form of MGNREGA is Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act. It is an act to get 100 days of work based on demands. The act initially known as NREGA that was National Rural Employment Guarantee Act and it was notified on 7th September 2005. On 2nd February 2006 it was implemented as a trial basis on 200 district of India. The former Prime minister, Dr. Manmohan singh launched the act. On 2007-2008 additional 130 districts added as an implementation area. Later on 1st April 2008, remaining 285 districts covered within this act. After the completion of four years, this flag ship rural employment program renamed as MGNREGA, which is Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act. UNDP Global Human Development refers to MGNREGA is one of the social protection measures in the world and largest work force program in the world.
There is a difference between act and yojana or schemes .In yojana we follow a systematic action to achieved some specific goals, whereas act is passed by the legislature in order to make it law .So MGNREGA is an act ,which granted to get work as per demand. Schemes may be closed after the change of government or if it is not so much viable in current situation, but act is not any such option.
The implementation of MGNREGA depends on active participation of three tiers PRI (Panchayat Raj institution) and almost covers all states and UTs of India.
Objectives of MGNREGA
a) Providing 100 days work as per demand of rural households guaranteed basis on a particular financial year and create productive and durable asset to increase livelihood option of the rural households.
b) Enhance and support agriculture options to increase the productivity and decrease or removed the disguised unemployment from the agriculture.
cc c) Create assets on the name of beneficiary to enhance individual livelihood options.
d) Treated uplands through NRM (Natural Resources Management) work create watershed structure like 30-40 models, trench cum bending, stagger trench to store the runoff water and used the uplands on plantation program.
e) PMAY (Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojona) also included in MGNREGA, which ensure the rural and urban poor to provide housing.
f) Strengthening Panchayat Raj Institutions is one of the main objective of MGNREGA.
MGNREGA is a flag ship program of India government and its expenses bears both the central and state government. Such as the total cost of unskilled manual worker, 75% of cost of material wage of semi skilled and skilled worker, administrative expenses etc. bears the cost by central government. On the other hand state government bears the cost of 25% of material cost wage of semi skilled and skilled worker, unemployment allowance of those laborers who cannot get work after demand of work, Administrative expenses as per of the state government guarantee council etc.
Features of NREGA or MGNREGA
a) NREGA job card- As per the act of MGNREGA people who reside in rural area and want to work as an unskilled laborer and demand jobs through registration are getting job within the 15 days of apply. The household got granted 100 days of work security through MGNREGA, it is increased and up to 150 days in disaster based areas. In the name of adult member of the household application filled with specified his/her name, age, address, photos to the gram panchayat. After verification the household got job card with a specific job card number.
b) Unemployment allowance – In MGNREGA there is a provision to get unemployment allowance if the household not getting employment after the 15 days of job seeking through registration process. Here the unemployment allowance paid by the state government. Job seeker claim unemployment allowance with registration paper of job seeking in to the block or gram panchayat.
c) Planning organisation- Planning of the work in the village is done with the intervention of gram panchayat .Gram panchayat organized gram sabha ward wise and with the help of the gram panchayat members and villagers planning process completed. After planning, on field verification done and sanctioned the works which is viable and enhance the livelihood options of the rural poor people.
d) Execution of work- Execution of the work done with the help of the mates, rojgar sebhak and junior engineer.
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In MGNREGA wage paid directly on the bank and post office account of the laborer. Every financial year wage rate revised as per the norm of the government. Though the wage rate is vary among the different states and extra cost is paid by the state government. Total wage rate and unemployment rate calculated with the help of the MGNREGA software system. So a clean process developed and every one can see the expenses of MGNREGA in their areas.
Facilities in working areas
In MGNREGA laborer generally get work within the 5 km from their residence and within their reside panchayat. If in any case they got work order far from their reside panchayat or 5 km away from the panchayat they get allowance for that. Through the act it was confirmed that the laborer got basic facilities in the working area like availability of shades for taking rest, a working order board, drinking water facilities and nanny appointed to help the woman laborer in the site.
Social aspect viability of MGNREGA
Largest work fare program- MGNREGA is consider as a largest work fare program as it able to some up a huge labor force under an umbrella. In agriculture sector or primary sector already disguised unemployment exist and due to the MGNREGA the work force efficiently able to engage in some creative works. Moreover to secure 100 days work MGNREGA erases the anxiety of not getting jobs after the agriculture seasons. In rural areas the higher engagement of tribal workers shows that it is helpful of poor also. In MGNREGA it is specified that any type of contractor or labor replacing machine strictly prohibited. So MGNREGA able to target the vulnerable and poor population of India.
Women empowerment- MGNREGA emphasis on equal facilities availability for both the men and women also. That means women and men worker received same payment for work. More over it was secured that one third of worker must be women.
Stop migration of laborer- Most of the labors migrate in search of work after the agriculture season. So MGNREGA help the migrated labor to get work within their reside area.
Agriculture productivity- Through MGNREGA agriculture field got special emphasis. Due to the land treatment and many NRM work agriculture difficulties overcome. Due to MGNREGA individual beneficiary got assets like well, pond etc. which enhance their livelihood.
Conclusion- Government of India continuously improves the flagship program and gives more emphasis on agriculture sector. During the covid-19 situation when most of the migrated laborer comes back and they lost their job, MGNREGA open up as a largest opportunity for migrated laborer. More over government of India announce a significant amount of money to boost up the MGNREGA.
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